Friday, January 18, 2008

Lake Lugano, Switzerland

Lugano is the Italian speaking part of Switzerland .. And yes as you must have guessed it shares borders with Italy and yes the beauty too.. It is a different Switzerland all together . It is casual ,warm , relaxed compared to the rest of Switzerland.

We took a train from Zurich to Lugano. My first expression after coming out of the Railway station was "Are we still in Switzerland?"

These are some photos of Lake Lugano .


Amandeep Singh said...

Hey nice pics!!

Lakshmi said...

lovely pictures..I missed seeing this lake when I was in Zurich..had an extra day and I spent in in Zurich itself

indicaspecies said...

I have no words to describe the beauty of place! Splendid photography!! Thank you for sharing.:)

bea's blog said...

Schöne Bilder zeigst Du uns hier -
kannst ja auch gerne einmal bei mir reinschauen; habe grad meinen Blog wieder zu neuem Leben erweckt (eigentlich sind es 2 Blogs).